Channel: 9-Hole Reviews
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Description: Watch latest videos, sometimes even early releases! Sign up for the newsletter: While the G3 base rifle modernized/outfitted to the Swedish AK4D pattern is indeed a formidable rifle system, the aging 50-year old Hensoldt holds the performance of the rifle back. What can the rifle do with one of the best Low Power Variable Optics (LPVO) of our current era? We put a @Primary Arms, LLC 1-8x PLX ACSS Griffin Mil onto the rifle and push an essentially OEM internal G3 with ball ammo out to 800 yards and see how it does! Consider supporting us via Patreon 👉 (you an also access the Practical Accuracy Scoreboard here) Observer setup seen here powered by: - Vortex Optics Razor HD Spotting Scope 27-60x85 Angled - Vortex Optics Pro GT Tripod - Phone Skope Lollipop Universal Digiscoping kit We have a discount for Slate Black Industries MLOK accessories! 👉 www (dot) slateblackindustries (dot) com Discount code: 9HOLE Shopping with this link costs you nothing, but provides us with equipment: This video's editing by Agency Communications LLC Music by Tyops (THANKS!!!) __________________________________________________________________ We love mail: 9 Hole Reviews 21175 Tomball Pkwy. No. 480 Houston, Texas 77070